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A member registered Dec 19, 2020

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the game mechanics are not the same as on the real Jumpman. The DOS version had the correct mechanics from the C64 version but unfortunately this remake plays totally different, it’s much harder to control the player and to exactly climb and jump. Can you revise that?

yes, codesign did the trick! 

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codesign works!

but you have to make it executable too:
chmod 755 HERO

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The MacOS version doesn't work. There is no app to start. Seems to be compiled wrong. Please let us have a working Mac version! :)

Tried the Windows version via Parallels Desktop and I have to say: This is THE BEST clone I ever played! Mechanics are spot on, gameplay is great!

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The MacOS version doesn't work. There is no app to start. Seems to be compiled wrong. Please let us have a working Mac version!

Nevertheless the Windows version is breathtaking good! I never ever saw just a good H.E.R.O. clone! All clones I encountered till today have totally wrong controls and game mechanics - but this one is spot on! WOW!!!!!

Can you release a level editor for this great game? Would push it a lot!

Great game! Can you please support a second firebutton?

Great game! Was waiting for a new adventure of Bounty Bob for decades! The flashing of the enemies before they revert would really be helpful. Next a sequel to Bounty Bob Strikes Back with the better controlable jumping and even more sophisticated levels!